Meroda Cosmetics Advertising on TikTok banner


Meroda Cosmetics is a cosmetics brand based in the Netherlands. They founded a solution for foundation shades. In 2022 after the TikTok hype, they came to us looking to diversify their paid ads beyond Facebook and Instagram and to start advertising on TikTok. They had already made a few attempts to get TikTok up and running themselves, but on both organic and paid they were unsuccessful.

With a perfect niche for TikTok, we were 100% sure they would succeed. As a young team and a lot of experience on TikTok, Meroda saw the value of Antoon and his team.

We got right to work and started filming UGC with product samples. We created several new, original creatives to test. We saw immediate results after launching the new creatives. After the first month, Meroda had already spent +€15,000 profitable on TikTok and became very important for testing their creatives.

Since TikTok is still a young platform the success can be attributed to strategic organic creative, leveraging TikTok trends for in-feed ad placements, and broad targeting to refine best-performing audiences.

“We have been working with Antoon and his team for 6 months now and since then our ads have skyrocketed. The performance is absolutely amazing. Internally we never got TikTok to be profitable and now we are extremely profitable. This has given us more flexibility to work on various other phases of the business. Definitely recommend working with them. ”​


Founder of Meroda Cosmetics


Meroda was struggling with high costs on Facebook, had previously tested TikTok ads and spark ads with undesirable results (not profitable) with their internal team and another agency, as well as some influencer campaigns on Instagram and TikTok.

From their previous campaigns, they had a library of raw content that we reused for their ad creatives.

Antoon and his team were determined to succeed on TikTok so Meroda could enjoy the low-cost platform along with them.

Meroda advertising on TikTok creative
Meroda Cosmetics advertising on TikTok results


In the first week of launching on TikTok we saw immediate positive results and we have never looked back since. Initially we had created 6 new creatives for Meroda and 2 of them were extremely profitable (3x ROAS). Next we got these translated into Swedish and Norwegian as well and they performed well there.

Since then Meroda has been enjoying incredible results. Here are a few more notable metrics:

  • 30 new creatives produced within 3 weeks
  • Over a 3x ROAS on TikTok within one week of launch
  • 4.97% CVR on TikTok
  • < €8 CPA
  • Scaled to €15k in spend in the first month on TikTok advertising 

Want to scale your business by advertising on TikTok?